среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


December 12, at 1: December 2, at 9: December 2, at All of that went fine, no problem- however my GPS stopped functioning completely, no GPS apps would lock onto any satellites at all. December 10, at 7: redsn0w rc8 for windows

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After figuring out how to run in XP, the whole process took about minutes. I have the iphone 3G iOS 3.

Redsn0w | iOS Kings

The first time i rebooted cydia wasna white app. February 11, at 6: March 16, at Please wait while your device redsnn0w being processed. For other iOS devices, redsn0w 0. December 10, at 7: I opened cydia again but it closed immediately. Once Jail break done put your phone in Air plane mode and restart it. Redsn0w [Mac, Windows] File Submitter: Posted 10 April - April 17, at 9: August 5, at 7: January 17, at December 25, at I tried it about 5 times.

redsn0w rc8 for windows

November 30, at July 13, at I have vista computer and I tried to do it wiindows shew me an error on iphone. Retry redsnow and make sure you go to extras tab first depending on version of redsnow u have and select ipsw.

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Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. The question I have is if I jailbreak without the baseband upgrade will I lose the carrier unlock?

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Just try that and it should vor up and running and if it isnt then you may have to install the whole cydia thing again. January 7, at This worked like a charm!

I am also stuck on the Waiting to Reboot. December 19, at 1: Download official Ipsw for the version and phone you have open iTunes, press shift and restore and select the ipsw you downloaded.

Andrew is correct, for iOS 4. This is how all tethered jailbreaks work. October 6, at 7: Thanks again for the easy to use instructions. April 3, at 6: Hey, I have redsn0w 0.

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