суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


Cheque Book Management Make cheque book requests and cancellation, cheque stop request and cheque status inquiry Company Portfolio Management Manage your company's total portfolio with the bank by leveraging on a holistic view and complete knowledge of your accounting position to make strategic decisions for your business. Authenticate your cheques with our Image Positive Pay System IPPS , an advanced fraud detection which captures outgoing cheque images for verification. Enables real-time information of account activities, balances and statements with an option to download, view, save and print them. Bills Pay Enables companies to pay their bills online and in real-time. Fix Pay Instruct the bank to perform transactions to the designated beneficiary account s at pre-set and scheduled timings similar to Standing Instruction SI remittance service. Ancillary Pay Manage file based payments to partners, vendors and suppliers online. Placement Manage idle funds by placing it under short tenor investment in order to earn quick capital gain through Repurchase Agreement Repo in the money market. eportal maybank

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eportal maybank

Eliminate manual maybsnk of processes with our innovative services. Pooling Position surplus funds from one account to offset deficits in another without actual movement of funds for the purpose of interest computation.

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Transmit payroll of staff salaries, bonuses, commissions and claims reimbursement online. Find out how we've made M2U secure —and how you can keep epportal online banking experience worry-free. Request for Trade Financing for local and foreign trade transactions; perform enquiries, follow up and provide further instructions on financing request transactions.

Please call me please. HR Pay Transmit payroll of staff salaries, bonuses, commissions and claims reimbursement online. We have received your information.

Instruct the bank to perform transactions to the designated beneficiary account s at pre-set and scheduled timings similar to Standing Instruction SI remittance service.

Fix Pay Instruct the bank to perform transactions to the designated beneficiary account s at pre-set and scheduled timings similar to Standing Instruction SI remittance service.

eportal maybank

Maybank2E Maybank's dedicated business portal offering a broad spectrum of web-enabled cash management solutions for enterprise customers. Manage file based payments to partners, vendors and suppliers online.

Connect to our Helpdesk and access online troubleshooting which provides you a hassle free channel to communicate with us to resolve your queries.

Description Field Facility DFF Facilitate your receivables management process with our DFF module where bank reconciliation fields are made available for tracking and cross referencing.

Submit local and foreign bills collection instructions to the bank; perform enquiries, follow up and provide further instructions on collection transactions.

Call our Helpdesk hotline at 88 or fax 88 Placement Manage idle funds by placing maybano under short tenor investment in order to earn quick capital gain through Repurchase Agreement Repo in the money market.

Morning Afternoon Evening During office hours. Host to Host H2H Link your existing payables and receivables processing system with the Bank's system.

eportal maybank

An innovative web-based trade finance service offering a comprehensive suite of conventional trade finance products online. Authenticate your cheques with our Image Positive Pay System IPPSan advanced fraud detection which captures outgoing cheque images for verification. Export Collection Submit local and foreign bills collection instructions to the bank; perform enquiries, follow up and provide further instructions on collection transactions.

maybank eportal

Head to Customer Service or call 88 or overseas any time, any day. Facilitate your receivables management process with our DFF module where bank reconciliation fields are made available for tracking and cross referencing.

Our financial experts will contact you within 2 working days or at the time you've requested. Import Letters of Credit Apply for issuance and amendment of LCs; perform enquiries, follow-up and provide further instructions on LC transactions.

It also facilitates the maintenance of up-to-date records of accounts receivables for reconciliation. Sweep funds into a concentration account to minimise idle cash balances or automatically move cash balances into an interest-earning money market fund according to the pre-set parameters for higher returns.

Cheque Book Management Make cheque book requests and cancellation, cheque stop request and cheque status inquiry Company Portfolio Management Manage your company's total portfolio with the bank by leveraging on a holistic view and complete knowledge of your accounting position to make strategic decisions for your business. Automatically credits employer or employee contributions to statutory bodies i.

Service that enables companies to procure goods with ease as it provides the flexibility of Order Management, Payments and Financing to manage the delivery of goods against invoices.

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Manage the collections process of transactions between Intrabank accounts through our online automated system using a Business to Business B2B or Business to Customer B2C models.

Enables real-time information of account activities, balances and statements with an option to download, view, save and print them.

Stay safe online Please read before logging in. View credits and debits made to your accounts through Electronic Advices. Deposit cheques at convenient collection points or make arrangements to collect the cheques with special handling from your business premises.

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