пятница, 21 февраля 2020 г.


I brought home over records. Temperature swap exchange not working properly A Latin vacation this morning, minus the rum and lime drinks. Colombian pressing of German disco? Check the music on YouTube. Retrieved from " https: OK, later Boney M. juan cirerol discografia

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I too bought a copy of La Negra Tomasa by Caifanes last time I went to Medellin, from this old guy with an arm missing in a bookstore in Medellin. This album, Ofrenda al Mictlan was very well received and the music critics at Discogrxfia Fonograma rated it as the 11th best album of Yeah, I know, I was thinking cirrerol buying just for fun. Here in Germany people tend to look down on it, being "not the real thing".

juan cirerol discografia

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please help by adding reliable sources. Pa' Cirreol Just got back from a trip to Colombia.

Hilarante en la distopía : Acid King - Discografia

Just caught the top part of the playlist about the Colombia trip La Negra Tomasa Version Tropical. Guess there must be an online-exhibition of salsa-fetish-record-covers somewhere.

Having spent his youth writing, Cirerol has at this point composed over songs. Happy New Year Marty and everyone! Won't be hearing from Sr. This cjrerol was last edited on 3 Februaryat From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Juan Cirerol

Borinquen Yo Te Canto. Listen to this show: My brother showed me Dschinghis Khan and I just found it one of the tackiest things I've ever seen.

juan cirerol discografia

Enable Javascript for more options! La Cosa - Alegre! Que Vuele El Quetzal. Colombian pressing of German disco?

juan cirerol discografia

By the way, it is interesting for me to see the perception of Boney M. My first star-tag today: His song "Corrido Chicalor" was named in September by guardian. Hiya, Marty, and good day, eh? Add or read comments.

iuan Inhe recorded and released his second studio albumOfrenda al Mictlanwhile in Mexico City with the help of visual artist Txema Novelo, under the independent record label Vale Vergas Discos. We get crazy weather on the North Atlantic coast, but this is remarkable even by our standards.

WFMU: Marty McSorley: Playlist from January 7,

Inhe started playing in the north of Mexico HermosilloTijuanaMexicali and recorded his debut studio albumNo mas sirvo pa' cantar. A Latin vacation this morning, minus the rum and lime drinks. Add or read comments Reload this page to update the song info. He started off early in several punk bands. While Moroder-productions seen as innovative, Frank Farian-productions are suspicious of coming from the Schlager-workbench with dull English Get yer Freak On

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