пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


Auto reply to incoming SMS for pre-defined keywords and reply messages. All our existing customers are encourage to download and upgrade for free! October 11, - Web site in Chinese. This version features mainly an addition of an "Inbox" and the functionality of receiving SMS. This applies to both licensing models: smscaster e marketer cdma enterprise 3.6

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Existing customers are free to upgrade without the need to input the unlock key again. Since SMS is fast and cost effectiveness, messages like promotion, reminder, alert, special notice or statement are well suited to be delivered by using SMSCaster E-Marketer. We specialize in SMS messaging software and tools for marketing!

August 13- Version 3. It allows you to use the same mobile phone with several computers for the same license.

SMSCaster E-Marketer GSM Enterprise v by SDJ Software Limited - Should I Remove It?

We have prepared a free driver download page for USB data cable of major mobile phones to facilitate you in connecting your mobile phone to the computer. We are confident that this is a valuable marketing software for you. Auto reply to incoming SMS for pre-defined keywords and reply messages. So don't miss the early bird bonus for the discount. October 11, - Web site in Chinese. This applies to both licensing models: The enterprise edition supports sending SMS with multiple phones simultaneously.

September 25- Version 3.

Smscaster Enterprise V - free download suggestions

Other changes include incremental search for contacts, inbox and outbox; auto-complete at the "To number" field. Existing customers who order version 2. Just install the new version 2.

smscaster e marketer cdma enterprise 3.6

ProductsSupport FAQ. Existing customers will need a new unlock key for this version and it's free to do so.

smscaster e marketer cdma enterprise 3.6

The serial number should remain unchanged. Existing customers are free to upgrade. The latest version has lots of new functionality and improvement.

Smscaster enterprise v 3.6 social advice

Smscasteg glad that the long waited enterprise edition is released today. It supports sending sms with multiple CDMA phones in parallel. A more flexible license scheme based on time period is available. We hope you guys would give it a try and provide some feedback to us. All our existing customers are free to upgrade.

You can now receive reply from the recipients of your marketing campaign! The standard edition and the enterprise edition. October 28- Version 3.

Major features go to Enterprise Editioin, they are: November 25- Version 3. It also supports Unicode file name.

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You can now divide the contacts into different groups, each contact can belong to more than one group. If differs from other desktop texting software which relies on an Internet SMS gateway.

The latest version 2.

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